Saturday, December 09, 2006

Continued Studies - 07/17/2006 (Ignorance/Progress Equation?)



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


As a metaphoric depiction of the social movement in our modern day as per that consumer mentality, I happened upon a thought which utilizes the instincts of most animals in illustration.

If it were that a rat were attached to a hungry snakes tail - that snake then striking to devour what it saw as prey, only beginning to ingest its own tail as well - it would put into action (as a visual) a series and dynamic which can be compared to the modern social dynamic.

As the snake consumed its own body - instinctively, without realizing it that snake would move to remove its tail and own body from its own mouth - while simultaneously such movement in the effort of its own body escaping would trigger the instinct to lunge even further and bite deeper (though, this being into itself) - still only knowing its own body as part of that rat it struck to devour.

The pain it would feel with its own efforts to maintain its hold would only act to further magnify the movement(s) within the situation through serving to amplify the instinctive reaction to devour and maintain its hold on the perceived prey. ~

Our modern social dynamic is much the same in many ways - and within my belief, is evidence of having thus far failed to ascend in ways intellectually - that is, in considering the aspects of existence and the potentials within the human capacity - while continuing to progress technologically. Essentially magnifying and refining that human animal element as described previously, which of course, in a similar manner as the action within the metaphor, acts to encourage a similar result in social and progressive movement considering humanity as a whole. ~

This brings another aspect to light in the ancient usage of a snake both growing and devouring itself, simultaneously as one of the metaphors depicting existence and perhaps the perceived movement of all - from a given time period.

In a fictitious manner, this depiction begins to make some sense in an artistic way, but soon loses that topical reasoning with the introduction of actual tendencies within such a species as is the human being. Especially when it is that the potentials having been set aside for more immediate gains within that lunging pattern are considered. ~

In another perspective, said usage and topically perceived meaning serves to illustrate another facet within that potential to progress within human capacity - and as well is another example of that perspective representing a limited and contained representation of all - and that cusp of reasoning and realization, which seems could be so much more without applying our flawed limitation (as is such an imposed limitation for those reasons of want in understanding among other things).

It is that tendency to have perspective and explanation then becoming limitation - which in turn contributes to the most profound of structures becoming more of a limiting impedance than what it was first set forward in an effort to illustrate and understand.

In essence, somehow as we present something which aids in the progress and understanding - in absorbing it and then applying it as a rigid representation, we then in effect pose a limitation to even the very idea once presented. Within such application and usage, it could easily be stated from that perspective - that through human attention even the idea of God (for instance) has gotten much smaller so to speak. Even the words omnipotence and omni-present fail to convey that which they were first devised to depict.

Yet again I see this as a part of our tendencies as a species in that process of moving from concept to application.

I do not believe that such rigidity and solidification is entirely necessary or mandatory.

Only that such is in its place within our current advancement and levels of realization.

Laughably though, given what I have observed regarding the consumer mentality and dynamic of the self devouring snake - it might be that our species on the whole is more suspended than is readily evident. Stuck, with our tail in our mouth, afraid to miss out in losing a meal.

Again illustrating the limitation of our own existence.

How then to progress without that limiting failure of conscious effort?

Without the detrimental and destructive results which arise from such concerted failures in effort?

Without the impedance of our own existence and rigid structures?

Perhaps through the use of ignorance? Not perceived or inferred inferiority or stupidity, but ignorance. Ignorance of which we all possess in some degree pertaining to something or other.

I am drawn to consider Faguet's work titled The Cult Of Incompetence - and see in my rather vague recollection of the particulars within it, perhaps a bit of hidden wisdom - though again perhaps, in a hind sight sort of un-intended way.

It seems that through applying such in smaller, more contained scale areas than is set forward in the Cult Of Incompetence, a society might be able to move past that self consuming concept/application/stagnation. If only even to surface momentarily beyond it?

Such would seem, upon thought, that it must be utilized in more than simple application (as per verbatim/literal translation) which would render much the same results as any other rigid, imposed limitation it would seem... as if it would need to somehow be insulated from the aspect of even the effort in utilizing the ideologies set forward in that work - as is obvious, such effort is then within that area of imposed limitation though it is that part of the limitation in this instance would be the lack of acknowledging it.

Again, in considering that tendency to limit ourselves in application (most times through effort), I find a greater interest in observing such more - it doesn't seem to be a paradox per say, as it doesn't seem to be of opposing/cyclical values - but more a process which we tend to hasten with and within action in application (effort). ~

The use of ignorance is very much the only way I can see at the moment, to supersede that tendency - it seems, from my current perspective - the only way to actually progress (which is the similarity to paradox). To progress that is, without the stagnation and limited (even bottle necking) dynamic.

This then presents another problematic area within this line of thought - being that most who could be considered ignorant in that applicable manner, are now ruled by a greater consistency having been produced through the process and result of imposed limitations (the media for instance being a part of that consistency), which then sets into action that self consuming cycle, as well as greatly sets limitations which are hardly ever considered.

As a note - that familiarity within those limitations hardly ever perceived in our day, is again a form of ignorance - but as is obvious, is not the sort of ignorance which would be conducive in the liberation of the human capacity to which ever degree. Itself (that form of ignorance) being already firmly within rigid structures of imposed limitations. So rigid in many cases, as no longer even to be perceived as of and from the progress of humanity to begin with. Perhaps then, within such an atmosphere it is that the use of ignorance in such a way - then in result is only efficient of and within those non-perceived areas of containment? Which then, in the extreme sense will only yield turmoil - perceived chaos - in the more rigid and confined areas, even within the ignorance of the existing imposed limitations to which those within it have been conditioned?

Such usage and application of such a work seems as though it could be great entertainment of itself while actually functioning for other ends effortlessly, as well. Further said ignorance (which we all possess to one degree or another) - is representative of unused capacity in my opinion. Not that the ignorance is to be filled or removed - but only that the existence of it is representative of the potentials themselves. Unused potential which seems can only be used efficiently without conscious effort on the part of its possessor and further without purposeful displacement of it in efforts from other parties.

An animal can't be considered ignorant in that manner, as such lack of reasoning is a lack of the sort of capacity potentials I am referring to. They (animals) don't possess ignorance per say. ~

This then, lends some insight into the seeming progression within humanity to promote the better human animal elements as opposed to refining the human qualities and potentials.

So.... Within this line of thought then, in order to preserve (and promote) the actual potential progress of the human species - as a species then, there must be preserved some level of ignorance for which to utilize in stabilizing that tendency toward imposed limitations. ~

Staving the laughter at the moment, I don't see that as being all too difficult!

In a more serious note, it would seem that such balance of potential and said ignorance will be maintained within the process of growing, from early childhood - this being only one example source of said variations in/of ignorance. ~

As I grow in my studies, this area will be one of interest in addressing that tendency from concept to application.

There must be several ways to address it - there just have to be.

If there weren't, there wouldn't be any other pitches besides fast balls!


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